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Product Details

R-1. Anginacid inflammation drops

  • Indications Local inflammations, acute and chronic, of catarrhal and purulent nature, with swelling of the glands. Sudden infections and high fever, with irritations of the meninges, conjunctivas and pharynx. In particular: Inflammations and suppuration of the Iymphatics of the pharynx, mainly all forms of tonsillary angina, tonsillitis, scarlet fever, otitis media, conjunctivitis, iridocyclitis, meningitis, inflammations of the maxillary sinus and of the dental roots. Inflammations of glands;
  • mumps, orchitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, appendicitis, parametritis, bartholinitis. Acute rheumatic polyarthritis, monarthritis, arthritis urica. Lymphadenitis, Iymphangitis, phlegmonous inflammations, abscess, with low, furuncles and carbuncles, erysipelas, quinsy. Mode of Action of Main Ingredients Apis mellifica: Inflammatory infiltrations, edematous swellings. Barium chloratum: Chronic diseases with swelling and suppuration of the glands in different scrofulous affections of children. Belladonna: Inflammatory hyperemia of skin, of mucous membranes and glands. High fever. Aridity of the mucosa, delirium, moist feverish skin. Calcium jodatum: Chronic tonsillitis of children, scrofulous increase of Iymph nodes on neck and nape. Hepar sulfuris: Tendency for catharzic inflammations and pyesis. Kalium bichromicum: Plastic exudation of mucous membranes in nose, pharyngeal cavity and pharynx. Viscous, stringy mucus. Mucosae ulcer. Marum verum: Adenoid vegetation, chronic catarrh of the postnasal space. Mercurius sublimatus corrosivus: Acute inflammations of the mucosa involving the glands, sticky perspiration. Phytolacca: Swelling and dark reddening of the pharynx and tonsils, radiating pain up to the ears Dosage In case of acute infections with high fever, in the beginning 10-15 drops in some water every ½ hour for ½ - 1 day. Same treatment to be followed in case of purulent inflammations (e.g.: inflammations of the tonsils or furuncles). After improvement, take same dose every 1-2 hour. After recovery it is advisable to take 10-15 drops 2-3 times a day for about a week. Chronic inflammations: 2-3 times a day 10-15 drops. Constitutional modifications in chronic glandular hypertrophy of children;
  • once a day 5-8 drops in some water for a longer period of time;

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